中兴日报于1907年8月20日在新加坡创刊,是陈楚楠等同盟会员退出《南洋总汇日报》后创办的另一份宣传革命思想的报刊。日销约一千份,至1910年停刊。自1907年至1909年之间,《中兴日报》与《总汇报〉发生激烈笔战,这是新马地区革命党与保皇党人最长的一次论战,对新马华人的思想具有深远影响。 The Chong Shing Yit Pao was started on 20 August 1907 with the purpose of combating the Union Time -- the organ of the reformists in Singapore. It was one link in a lope chain of presses run by the revolutionaries in Singapore. During the period from 1907-1910, Chong Shing introduced the longest 'battle of the pen' with the Union Times. |